Since my family moved into our current house, we talked about wanting to put in a screen door where our sliding door is to make it easy to go in and out while cooking or hosting parties, but keeping bugs out.
The Mega Mesh Screen Door seemed like the perfect opportunity to get exactly that, only better.
I was so excited to open the packaging and set up my Mega Mesh Screen Door as soon as possible to get the most use out of it.
As soon as I was able to set Squirrel down, Moose and I opened the packaging and looked into how to get this baby all set up on the door.
The first snag I ran into was that I hadn't looked into how it was installed, so when I went to put it up at my sliding glass door I found that it couldn't stick down on one side.
The problem with one side not being stuck down is that while the top was securely stuck down, it would gradually come unstuck and fall through out the day.
Once it started to fall, the two mesh sides no longer connected and the screen stayed open until you physically put it back together.
I loved the idea though, so decided to find a new place in the house for it.
After eliminating the 2 swinging doors that go outside, I decided to try it in the open doorway between the kitchen and living room.
It worked perfect.
For the first few days, Moose thought it was a great toy. Running back and forth through it, testing out the magnets and hold on the walls.
Simon the cat was terrified of it and refused to go into the kitchen.
After a week, Moose still thought it was fun to run through, but thought it was fun to drive all of his trucks through now as well.
Simon realized that it wasn't scary and decided to spend his days attacking the bottom and trying to climb it.
I'm proud to say that it managed to hold up pretty well to the torture.
Only one bottom velcro strip wouldn't stay together when child and cat decided to abuse it.
It not only held up well to the abuse, but it did a great job at keeping out the bugs!
My only real complaint was that while the screen and velcro managed to stay attached to the wall through the abuse, when I went to take it down briefly part of the velcro strips on the side that hadn't been previously attached to anything came off of the wall.
Not a huge deal, just a little irritating since I'll have to reattach it and hope it will stay.
Reguardless of the one down side, I have seriously thought about getting a couple of screens to put at the bedroom doorways to keep bugs out of them too.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.