We chose to buy both an ergonomic f. We decided on an ergonomic carrier as it holds the baby in a position that was more natural, allowed for proper hip and back placemet, and would be easier and more comfortable on both mine and my husband's backs. When determining what the best brand was, I found, really depended on each individual person's opinion. While I had my eye on an Ergobaby, we settled on the Infantino Support (http://www.infantino.com/product.cfm?product_id=1414) after checking them both out in stores and realizing that they were comparable in style and both carried the baby in an ergonomic position. As soon as Moose was able to hold his head up, we were off and running (ok, a brisk walk). He loved it! Not only did it keep him in a position that would support him naturally, but it snuggled him close with whomever was carrying him. The best thing, at almost one year old, we are still using the Infantino Support comfortably for both him and my husband and I.
Moose in his Infantino Support May 2012

Daddy and a sleeping Moose 6 months old
*note: all opinions in this post are mine and mine alone. I was not given any free products for my opinion. My husband and I bought our Infantino Support with our own money. I was not contacted by any companies for my opinion, I wrote this post under my own free will.
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