Saturday, January 12, 2013

Shoes, shoes, shoes. Love & review.

I am a total shoes girl. Converse, DC's high heels, flip flops, boots of all types. If they exist, I love them. I love to buy shoes and it probably the one thing that I am willing to buy for myself. One of my favorites are my DC's. I don't think there is much of a DC's trend, they are the type of shoes that are always in style. My favorite trend right now is the bootie. I think that they are completely adorable and can be worn with everything from jeans to dresses and always look cute, which is awesome since I hate wearing knee high boots with some of my dresses and they don't work with some of my jeans. Booties up self confidence and take away the worry if whether or not clothes look good with my shoes!
When I opened my Influenster Holiday Vox Box, I was excited when I saw the card for $25 off my first purchase on I love shoes. I thought that it would be a great opportunity to treat myself to a new pair of shoes and went to check out the website right away. I immediately signed up and got right to online shopping. I found a bunch of shoes that I would love to have, even though I am a bit leery about buying shoes online since I'm between a 8.5 and 10 depending on the shoe and prefer to try them all on, but the thing that made me stop was the prices. The shoes start at $49.95 and a lot of the shoes I liked cost more than that. With $25 off, it makes the $49.95 shoes a decent price but then I thought about whether I wanted to buy a shoe, have to wait for it to arrive to try it on and then if it doesn't fit, have to send it back. In the end, I decided to wait a little and see how much Christmas money I have left before I place an order.

*Note: I was provided the card with discount code for from Influenster to purchase a pair of shoes for review. I am not required to purchase any items and the decision to write a review was mine. All opinions in the post are mine and mine alone.

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