After taking a step back from blogging and product reviews, thanks to a friend's suggestion I decided to come back with a new name and stop focusing on product reviews.
I will write them occasionally, but my focus is going back to what is truly important in my life and that is my family, friends, our adventures, our highs and our lows.
After talking to her, I thought about it and realized that just writing about products isn't what I created this blog to be for. I created it as a way to talk about life, to have a place to look back on the good things and smile, to look back on the bad things and see how far we have come, and as a place to share it with others who may go through the same things.
Because sometimes the world is a lonely place.
So thank you to my friend for giving me the idea to take my blog back and make it what it should have been all along.
You are the best!
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