Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Influencing the world with Influenster

Have you ever thought to yourself, "I love to try new products and share my opinion on them, but I wish I could get the word out to more people"?
Would being a part of a community of people who enjoy being the first to try new products for companies and give honest feedback to them and the world interest you?
If writing honest reviews, asking and answering questions on a website about products you use, restaurants you visit, and food you try, sharing pictures, videos, blog reviews about those things then Influenster.com may be the place for you.

You may be wondering what #Influenster is right now.
The about us section describes it as "a community of trendsetters, social media hotshots, and educated consumers who live to give opinions of products and experiences."
As part of Influester, you decide to unlock "badges" based on your interests and current life stages. As part of the badges, you write reviews for products.
 The most active are invited to receive special voxboxes which contain awesome products pertaining to your interests for you to try, review and interact with social media to inform the masses about what you tried.

What kinds of things would you be asked to do as recipient of a vox box?
Sometime you are asked to write blog reviews, make a pinterest board, share on facebook, write on companies facebook walls, share on twitter, make a vine video, youtube video, post to instagram, or write a review on a conpanies website.
By doing the tasks for the vox box you unlock special brand badges and the top people who unlock a brand badge are then thanked for their hard work with more gifts from the company or companies.
If you thought it couldn't get better, you're wrong.

Ifluenster has recently launched the #Influensterapp that you can download to your phone to help those who are part of the community to be more active. 
With the app you can take pictures of the barcodes of items you use to make it easier to add items or find items in the database for you to write reviews.

Instead of trying to manuver a full webpage from a phone or always having to log in on the computer (which is not easy with young kids, byw) you can now have the whole community of Influenster right at your fingertips!
If you are itching to be apart of this awesome community of influencial people, it's easy to join.
Simply go to https://www.influenster.com and click to join. Enter your email, follow the directions and you're in!

On your phone? Download the app, click to sign up, enter your email and follow the directions.
I can't wait to see you there!

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