Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Costumes and birthdays and Christmas, Oh My!

This time of the year is when I do a lot of my crafting, and this year is no exception. I actually have three times the crafting to do! I'm still working on the decorations for Moose's birthday party, have almost finished his Halloween costume, 3/4 of the way done with a football themed hat for him, and have a blanket that I've suspended work on until I can get through the other things. I'm also debating whether to craft some presents for friends and family too. I just seem to be picking up more projects before I get.a chance to finish the rest of my to do list. But you know what? I love it! Keeping myself busy when Moose is napping keeps me sane. Well, more sane. I just hope that I can get everything I want done in a timely fashion!

Do you enjoy doing crafts? Do you ever take on a lot of projects when you know it may take you a long time to finish?

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